Don't Miss Out Being Seen

Advertise your business, product or service to thousands of Filmmakers, attendees & local film fans

Get your ad in the program that will serve as the Festival Guide by August 14th to make sure you're in the scene. 1/4 page, 1/2 page or full page options available with a circulation of at least 2,500 copies. This is an excellent opportunity to get noticed by festival attendees.


Ads that go beyond the event

A Keepsake Forever Program

A local, national & International Reach

Support A Major Local Event That Brings Filming to SIMI

A first edition collectable

Attract a new target audience

Be proud to be a part of the event

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Program Ad sizing Options

Starting for as little as $175

You've got 4 options to choose from:

  1. Full Page Ad for maximum exposure - for only $400
  2. A Half Page Ad for prominence on a page - for only $275
  3. A Quarter Page Vertical Ad - for only $175
  4. A Quarter Page Ad Horizontal - for only $175

(we can do the artwork design for you for an extra $75) 

You can also go for the Outside Back Cover for $750 or the Inside Front or Back Cover for $500 each


  • Options For Big Screen Advertising
  • Be On Banners & Marketing
  • Direct Email Blasts
  • Website Ad Space

Become a Sponsor by clicking HERE!

Advertising Enquiry

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